Selected NWORTH Publications 2008
"To disseminate and promote the implementation of rigorous and relevant trials"
Hutchings HA, Upton P, Cheung WY, Russell IT et al
Health & Quality of Life Outcomes 2008, 6: 19
Equity and service innovation: the implementation of a bibliotherapy scheme in Wales
Porter A, Peconi J, Evans A, Russell IT et al
Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2008, 13, 26-31
Alpha adrenoceptor agonist induced microcirculatory oscillations are reduced in diabetic neuropathy
Schmiedel O, Schroeter ML, Turo J, Nurmikko TJ, Whitaker R and Harvey JN
Microvascular Research 76 (2008) 124–131
Variation in rapid sequence induction techniques: current practice in Wales
Koerber JP, Roberts GEW, Whitaker R and Thorpe CM
Anaesthesia: Volume 64, issue 1, Pages 54 - 59
Lewis R, Neal RD, Williams NH, France B, Hendry M, Russell D, Hughes DA, Russell I,
Stuart NSA, Weller D and Wilkinson C
Journal of Advanced Nursing 2009; 65(4): 706-23
Edwards RT, Hounsome B, Linck P and Russell IT
Trials, 9:64
Brophy S, Bain S, Russell IT et al
BMC Endocrine Disorders, 8 (8)
Tober G, Farrin A, Russell IT, UKATT research team
Alcohol and alcoholism 43 (6):675-682 2008
McKenna C, Bojke L, Manca A, Adebajo A, Dickson J, Helliwell P, Morton V, Russell I, Torgerson D and Watson J
Rheumatology 48 (5):558-563 2009
Watson J, Helliwell P, Morton V, Adebajo A, Dickson J, Russell I and Torgerson D
Rheumatology 47 (12):1795-1802 2008