Projects and Current Studies


iSupport: A randomised controlled trial and feasibility study of the effects of an e-health intervention ‘iSupport’ for reducing distress of dementia carers

CI: Professor Gill Windle
A randomised controlled trial for carers of people with dementia. The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of iSupport, an internet-based psychoeducation and skills development intervention, compared to treatment as usual.

MAD-Reflux: Can Mandibular Advancement Device Treatment For Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Reduce Nocturnal Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux: A Feasibility Study

CI: Dr Saoirse O'Toole
Assesses the feasibility of conducting a full scale Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) to investigate the impact of Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD) on nocturnal reflux.

CST-IDD: Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for People with comorbid Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia. A mixed methods feasibility study.

CI: Professor Aimee Spector

A feasibility study, to assess the feasibility of conducting a randomised controlled trial of group cognitive stimulation therapy for people with learning disabilities, compared to treatment as usual.

NEuRoMS: Neuropsychological Evaluation and Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis

CI: Professor Roshan das Nair

A 6-year programme of research that develops over five work packages, in which people with Multiple Sclerosis have routine cognitive screening assessments conducted online, and those with mild cognitive problems are offered cognitive rehabilitation. The aim of work package 1 is theory, screening and intervention development. Work package 2 is screening, intervention refinement and clinical embedding. Work package 3 is a multicentre feasibility randomised controlled trial and fidelity evaluation. Work package 4 is a definitive multicentre randomised controlled trial. Work package 5 is NHS implementation and guideline development.

TOPIC: Improving the Oral Health of Older People in Care Homes: a feasibility study

CI: Dr Georgios Tsakos

A feasibility study, to determine the feasibility of a multi-centre cluster randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention based on a recent NICE guideline for the oral health of older people in care homes, compared to treatment as usual.

SENIOR: uSing rolE-substitutioN In care-homes to improve ORal health

CI: Professor Paul Brocklehurst

This is a therapeutic intervention study. The study is a cluster-randomised controlled trial across Wales, Northern Ireland and London. The aim of this study is to determine whether Dental Care Professionals (DCPs) could reduce plaque levels (improve the oral cleanliness) of dentate older adults (65 years and over) residing in care-homes over a six-month period, when compared to ‘treatment as usual’ (commonly a reactive and ad hoc service provided by dentists). In addition, we aim to determine whether this effect is sustainable over a further six-month follow-up period.

COLO-DETECT: Multicentre RCT to test the effect of GI Genius on adenoma detection  

South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
CI: Professor Colin Rees

A multi-centre randomised control trial that evaluates whether colonoscopy assisted with the GI Genius™ Intelligent Endoscopy Module improves the detection of abnormalities such as polyps and cancer compared to standard colonoscopy.

CHOSEN: CHlorhexidine Or toothpaSte, manual or powered brushing to prEvent pNeumonia complicating stroke

CI: Professor Craig Smith

A multi-centre randomised controlled feasibility trial. It assesses the feasibility of conducting full scale Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) to determine the efficacy of implementing the guideline interventions regarding the use of powered brushes and/or chlorhexidine dental gels to prevent Stroke Associated Pneumonia.

BowelScope: Accuracy of Detection using ENdocuff Optimisation of Mucosal Abnormalities (B-ADENOMA)

ARC Medical Ltd.
CI: Professor Colin Rees.

With the aid of the colonoscopic cuff Endocuff Vision®, this study aims to improve visualisation of the colonic mucosa by flattening colonic folds and manipulating them away from the field of forward view. The hypothesis is that the Endocuff Vision® will improve adenoma detection rates by providing better fold retraction, a wider field of view and better scope tip stabilisation. This clinical randomised study will be conducted in subjects referred and scheduled for screening flexible sigmoidoscopy via the NHS English Bowel Scope Screening (BSS) Programme and will compare Endocuff Vision®-Assisted Flexible Sigmoidoscopy (EAFS) with Standard Flexible Sigmoidoscopy (SFS).

Can hygiene-therapists improve oral health of routine low-risk dental recall patients in ‘High-street’ dental practices: a pilot study.

CI: Professor Paul Brocklehurst.

The aim of this study is to inform the design for a definitive trial to determine whether hygiene therapists can maintain the oral health of “low-risk” routine NHS patients, who form the predominant proportion of the regularly attending practice population.

CALMED: The clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of clozapine for inpatients with borderline personality disorder: randomised controlled trial. 


CI: Professor Mike Crawford

This is a multi-centre, parallel design, randomised, placebo controlled double-blind trial of clozapine for adult inpatients with borderline personality disorder.  The aim of the study is to investigate whether, among people receiving inpatient treatment for borderline personality disorder, the addition of clozapine to their usual care is a clinically effective and cost-effective strategy for improving their mental health.

CARer-ADministration of as-needed sub-cutaneous medication for breakthrough symptoms in home-based dying patients: a UK study (CARiAD)

CI: Professor Clare Wilkinson.

Undertaking a feasibility study and external randomised pilot trial of carer-administered as-needed sub-cutaneous medication for common breakthrough symptoms in home-based dying patients, versus usual care, with a nested qualitative component.

Development and refinement of a Stroke friendly Oral health Promoting (STOP) toolkit to improve oral self-care after discharge from hospital stroke services.

CI: Professor Craig Smith.

The aim of this research is to develop an intervention for stroke survivors to improve oral health by supporting oral self-care behaviours.

IDEAL – Living well with dementia

CI: Professor Linda Clare.

This longitudinal cohort study aims to characterise the social and psychological factors that support or constrain the ability of participants with dementia and their carers to live well with any type of dementia. This will result in an action plan intended to assist policy-makers, purchasers and providers to develop evidence-based policies and practices aimed at preventing or reducing unnecessary disability, preserving independence, reducing the economic burden for families and for society, and maintaining well-being across the dementia disease trajectory, in order to allow more people with dementia to live well, and all people with dementia to live better.

Mentalization for Offending Adult Males: A Randomised Controlled Trial (MOAM).

CI: Professor Peter Fonagy.

This is a multi-site randomized control trial conducted in the NHS setting to investigate whether, in a sample of offenders under community supervision who meet DSM-5 criteria for antisocial personality disorder, Probation as usual (PAU) supplemented with mentalization based therapy is more effective and cost effective than the standard care pathway of PAU only.

Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED).

CI: Professor Rowan Harwood.

A research programme that tests the clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of an activity and exercise programme for people with early dementia or mild cognitive impairment.

REMEDY: Management of sexual dysfunction associated with antipsychotic drugs


CI: Professor Mike Crawford

This is a multi-centre, parallel-arm, single-blinded, randomised trial.  The aim of the study is to investigate whether, among people with schizophrenia and related psychoses (schizophreniform disorder, schizoaffective disorder or psychosis not otherwise specified) who have sexual dysfunction associated with the use of antipsychotic medication, switching their antipsychotic drug to one with a lower reported association with sexual side effects provides a safe, clinically effective and cost effective strategy for improving their sexual functioning.

Respiratory Health in Preterm Neonatal Outcomes (RHINO).

CI: Professor Sailesh Kotecha.

This study identifies breathing disorders in 7–12 year old children who were born prematurely and tests if any airway obstruction responds to a single dose of inhaled drug typically used for asthma and related disorders. It will also use MRI scanning technology to study the lung structure and function in prematurely-born children with marked airway obstruction.

TOGETHER: A randomised controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of 'Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities': a community led parenting programme

CI: Professor Richard Watt    

A multi-centre randomised control trial. It assesses the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities (SFSC)

parenting programme in enhancing parental mental well-being and children’s social and emotional well-being.

TOPIC: Improving the Oral Health of Older People in Care Homes: a Feasibility Study


CI: Dr Georgios Tsakos

This study aims to determine the feasibility of a multi-centre cluster-randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention based on a recent NICE guideline for the oral health of older people (those aged sixty-five years or older) in care homes.

Water Assised Flexible Sigmoidoscopy in National Bowel Scope Screening (WASh)


CI: Professor Matt Rutter.

To reduce the risk of bowel cancer, the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme invites 55 year olds for a sigmoidoscopy. This research will assess whether using water to minimise bowel distension, instead of gas, will make the procedure more comfortable. If proven effective in UK practice, the research team hope that by reducing pain, people will have a better experience, which may increase public participation in screening.

Wales Interventions and Cancer Knowledge about Early Diagnosis:  The development and evaluation of primary care interventions to expedite the diagnosis of symptomatic cancer in Wales (WICKED)

Cancer Research Wales

CI: Professor Richard Neal and Professor Clare Wilkinson

The WICKED programme aims to develop the ‘Think Cancer’ intervention through an iterative process to expedite earlier diagnosis of cancer.  Divided into four inter-related work packages, this programme of work will develop and evaluate a behavioural intervention to enable GPs to expedite diagnosis and referral of those with suspected cancer.

Currently only 43.7% of people participate – more cancers could be prevented if participation is increased.